Flag Counter Hey Permeshwor By Adrian Dewan Nepali Christian song Chords And Lyrics - elshaddai.co.uk

Hey Permeshwor By Adrian Dewan Nepali Christian song Chords And Lyrics

O God, see us We have come before your throne None of our gods Only you live worshipable I am God O God, let us know We are calling Your powerful name Otherwise, no grain You are our only Never miss I'm glad I am God The generation generation took shelter
You are the fortress The tribe is full You are the light Am am I am God O God, tell us How do we need to be together? No more to let us know You only I am the true shepherd all-knowing I am God The generation generation took shelter
You are the fortress The tribe is full You are the light of the light The generation generation took shelter You are safe The tribe is full You are the light Am i am I am God

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