Flag Counter Danda Pari Tyo Gauma YESHU ko khabar Nepali Christian song Chords And Lyrics - elshaddai.co.uk

Danda Pari Tyo Gauma YESHU ko khabar Nepali Christian song Chords And Lyrics

dada pari tyo gaumaa yeshu ko khabar
sunaune yo mero thulo thulo rahara
yeshu aaye yeshu aaye
hamro laagi hamro duniya ma ho
hey hey hey ho ho ho laa laa laa laa
yea saila yea maila yea thuli sannani
sunana yeshu ko jiwan ko kahani
swarga chodi aaye krushai ma mare
haami lie jiwan dina

madalai ghankiyo khrist ko mahima maa
basuri bajyo khrist ko mahima maa
lahai lahai lahai lahai yeshko talai ma nachau
hridaya kholera gau khrist ko geet
sabai nachauna na bhai thaaki
bholi pheri yo mauka hola na hola
dhintang dhintang ko talai ma nachne rahar hola

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